our products

why choose NEMS?

NEMS software development helps you get easy access to a support team that can provide in-depth technical support and maintenance. The custom-designed software comes with some technical challenges or security loopholes that can be resolved with focused support and maintenance in less time.

With the growing business, you need more advanced tools as processes are getting complex. NEMS software development ensures that your software scales to accommodate your business' growth over time. This will help businesses grow faster without being restricted by inadequate software.

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why choose Next Tracker?

The safety of your drivers is no doubt a top priority for your organization. This starts with having well-maintained vehicles but should also focus on monitoring driver behavior and ensuring that safe driving practices are being followed. GPS trackers also have built-in accelerometers and can alert drivers and managers to patterns of poor driving behaviors, such as harsh braking, harsh acceleration, harsh cornering and speeding.

More benefits:

  • minimize fuel costs
  • increased productivity
  • theft recovery

Why Choose NEXT vCard?

NEXT vCard includes Name, Title, Phone, Address, City, State, and Zip. When you import a vCard, you import the data from these fields into matching fields in a contact record. When you receive an email with someone's vCard in it, right-click the vCard to import the person's information into your contacts.

You can do more things like:

  • add your signature
  • exporting and importing multiple contact

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